Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Baby

For about 2-3 weeks Evinn has been responding to us more and more. She smiles a lot when we talk to her now and we can actively see her studying us or anything else that catches her focus.

Anna caught her in a very happy mood the other day. Here are a couple of the shots she was able to get. I like the "got your nose" gesture she is making in the second pic.


Lonna said...

Maybe she is actually telling you that she has to use the toilet. I do believe that she is doing the sign for toilet. That is a great smile. I think that it is so fun that as they get older they become more and more responsive and curious...that curiosity can get a little tricky, but you are a little ways from that stage.

Oh yeah and I love those cheeks.

Emily said...

What I'd like to know is...How is it that the top picture looks like Anna and the bottom one looks like Doug - and all that changed is the smile? So, we have Anna's happy face and Doug's stare-down. Too cute!

She's changed so much from her earlier pictures! They grow up way too fast. Pretty soon you'll be wishing she never learned how to crawl, or roll over in our case.

Leslie said...

Sign for toilet? Now how about I send the twins over so you can potty train them in record time, hee hee. So cute! She is really starting to show a lot of personality. I'm glad you are enjoying every minute, they do grow so fast.

Manda said...

I just want to bite those cheeks! (Is that creepy?) How old is she now? Mine is 6 weeks, (in answer to your question).

Anonymous said...


She keeps getting cuter and cuter!