Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My baby is a toddler, almost!

Okay everyone, so we haven't been the best at up dating our blog. Doug and I realized that we had so many pictures that we wanted to share and they just kept piling up. So we finally got our act together and got some new postings up. We thought it would be a great time since our baby is going to be one tomorrow. I don't know why, but I'm finding it a little hard to deal with. Every time I think about it I get all emotional. We had to wait for what seemed like an eternity for this beautiful little girl that has totally taken over our entire world. Now I feel like our time with her is being stolen away too fast. Every time I turn around she's grow just a little more. Its not really fair!! I know I sound a little absurd and all, but tomorrow she'll be one and next year she'll be in high school. If I don't pay close attention one day she'll be leaving and making me a Grandma!!! I'm not ready for all that. I just want to hold her while she's still tiny. I want to rock her to sleep. I want to be the one who gets to hug her and kiss her whenever I want. I want to change her diapers and smell her beautiful baby smell!! No matter how much I cry and complain though, she will grow up, and someday she will out grow me. So I guess all I can do is enjoy it while I can and prepare for the not to far future. I love that little hot tempered girl with all my heart. Who knew that one little person with my mouth and Doug's eyes could solve so much of my unfulfilled emotions!! I love you baby and I always will! Happy first birthday!!
Now for a little celebration of Evy!!


Kenny and Amber said...

Wow, your baby is a year old! They do grow way too fast; Stetson will be one in October. I like what you said about time stealing her away, that is so true! I guess we really just have to treasure every moment! Happy Birthday Evinn!

Becky said...

One huh? Crazy! We were all rejoicing with you when you had her, I can't believe Evy is so big now.