Monday, April 14, 2008

New Posts=Hard!

Hello everyone, sorry I haven't posted in over a month. I've been very busy lately trying to build a portfolio for my photography. things are really starting to pick up and I feel that I am getting close to the point that I will finally try and get paid for the photos I take (I Hope). Anna has been added to the blog so she can do posts, but we haven't taken the time to run her through the process yet. We are both hoping that she will be more consistent then I have been.

We have also finally started putting some of our video on our computer, so expect to see a video post or two in the near future.


Lonna said...

Welcome back. I was starting to think that you had decided against the blogging world. I am glad to hear that you are just really busy. Congrats on the photography picking up, I am sure that it will be a great skill to have,and hopefully quite profitable too.

To Anna I am excited that you are entering the blog, I think that you will do a fantastic job. What could be better than gushing about the family that you love.

Janet said...

I know what you mean. My blogging comes and goes in spurts. I set a goal to post at least once a month and most of the time I can do that (and more) but occasionally it just doesn't come together in my head for longer than I anticipated.

Syl said...

That is a great excuse! I forgive you.