Thursday, December 13, 2007

These are not the my little pony droids you are looking for

OK quick poll. Is Evinn using the Force or casting a spell? I honestly don't care much for Star Wars but I thought a modified quote from it would make a good headline.


Manda said...

I have to say, it does look like she's using the force, which doesn't require a wand, whereas if she were casting a spell, I would expect to see a wand.

Lonna said...

my little pony, wow it has been quite some time since I have seen those guys. I am going to go with some fantastic form of Karate. And I am sure that there are some jedi tricks in there somewhere. You would have a kid with great skills that show up at such an early age.

Syl said...

Eviin does look like she is using the force! For what purpose, I don't know, but such power at such a young age doesn't look good for the young men in the future!

Janet said...

Maybe she's Kung Fu Fighting.